Hey Daddy!
I'm being a big brother and watching Sahayla just like you taught me Ba Ba. To be honest.... it's hard work...
Hi Daddy!.... I'm doing what I do best..... just hanging around. I miss you Ba Ba because you use to stay up all night holding me and walking me around while mother slept. Now these haters keep making me sit down. One of them "old ones" say you've spoiled me just because I prefer to be held and moving at all times. Whinners... lol
Daddy, I miss you...
Grandpa keeps calling me Kazoo!! (from the flint stones)
The Aunti's are calling me Eeeeek (they say that's how I sound when I talk)
and the cousins call me R2D2.
If I could, I'd clip them as they step off the stairs. lol
Oh my sis....they are to adorable.
Lil Man is getting so big. Tell him stop crying in pictures.. Ummi's show them to their wives and kids in the future...lol..blackmail.. ha ha ha. I was trying to look at say say and see who she looked like....still waiting for them features to kick in....I bet she is going to look just like her daddy to. You are truly blessed... wonderful husband.. beautiful black babies.and Allah's(swt) good grace..MashaAllah
Had to get my Idriss fix! LOL! Maash'Allah they are just the sweetest little critters ;-)
Oh the kiddos are too cute, masha Allah.
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