The Land Of Enchantment

The Land Of Enchantment
Albuquerque Bio Garden (Japanese Garden)

Friday, June 06, 2008

The Sun Tan

She's becoming a little scrumptious piece of toffee. She's yummier than Sticky Toffee Pudding Cake.


PM said...

Daddy is going to have to keep a shotgun loaded to keep the boys away from that little lovely when she gets older. Maash'Allah those big eyes are mesmerizing.

Love from Granny-in-Waiting (PM)

Ann Tamimi said...

She has some gorgeous big eyes!!

Anonymous said...

Oh she is to adorable....MashaAllah......

Nzingha is right those eyes.......are bright and beautiful......

I was waiting on an update picture of her......

Umm Ibrahim said...

Assalaamu alaikum,

I come over here to check out your blog for the first time and and am made to feel even more clucky than I already am! Who is this beautiful little princess?! Masha'Allah TabaarakAllah!

The Cook Crazy Economist said...

Thst little girl is her Royal Highness Sahayla. My daughter and 2nd heir to the thrown of Armidistan. lol

SIs if the Sticky toffe people delivery to SAUDI then i say get some NOW. There is nothing and i do mean NOTHING like it in this world! Warning: I have gained 10 lbs maybe from eating them over the holiday. These treats are NOT for sharing.. Eating them in the closet or while everyone is out the house. :)